Posted in Love..For him and her, Uncategorized



It may come as a surprise,

Trusting this ain’t a disguise,

Still I opt to pen this down,

Hoping I do not seem a clown.

To speak to you I may be a bit shy,

Thus I pick my pen to let it all fly.
To write of diamonds I can not,

As to reach them I dare dream not,

But why choose them yet I have you?

Always at my side as grass and dew,

Or maybe as the fish with its water,

I need you to feel alive,as fish needs water!
You are my moon in the cold night of July,

With your enchanting light my soul you purify,

To light the path my feet decide to walk,

As I gaze into you with the sharpness of a hawk.

Guide my love to your warm bossom,

As there is where I will stay and blossom.
At your beck and call as always I am,

To you my Mary Im your little lamb,

Your man-servant others may call me,

But I know of the honey I get from my Queen Bee.

Grace my humble self with your presence,

As when you depart I shall hold you in your absence.
Let my lips embrace your warm soft lips,

As just by their touch I feel my heart flip…

To touch your soft silky skin is more of heaven,

As with my eyes close I see us making our haven,

Whisper into my ears the sweet words of love that make us one,

And step aside to see all my little and great ones stand in unison!
The beating of my heart in response to your voice,

Is more than that as it tells of who you are-my choice,

With the rising of the sun I choose you,

And as it gives way to the moon it still is you,

My words may be a bit corky I know,

But can you blame me for seeing that indeed you are bestowed?
So take me in your embrace today

And there shall I always be each day,

Shower my lips with kisses this moment,

To see how important you are each moment.

Show me where your curves end at,

And I will tell you where mine begin at!

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